Green Gardener Certificate Program
The Green Gardener Certificate Program trains students to meet the demand for green gardening practices and expand their business prospects by learning to conserve water, enhance and protect the soil and reduce the use of pesticides. Green Gardening practices create:
- A healthier garden for your clients.
- A healthier work environment for you and your employees.
- A better environment for our shared land and water resources.
- Earning this certificate allows Gardeners to be listed on the SCVURRPP website increasing their visibility and business prospects.
- Teachers are a Master Gardener and a Soil Scientist with over a decade of teaching experience.
- Our students are working at various private landscaping companies and city Public Works departments.
Professional gardeners and landscape maintenance professionals who attend 80% of the classes and successfully complete an exam will receive a Certificate of Completion and their Santa Clara Valley Green Gardener Card.
Would you be interested in taking Green Gardener classes? Please complete this survey so we can contact you when our classes begin.