GymKids is a carefully designed motor development program for preschoolers. Classes are 45 minutes per week and are held in our Preschool Gym room.
The GymKids room is arranged to stimulate and satisfy your preschooler's natural curiosity through movement. Our equipment and activities provide opportunities for children to tune their senses to the excitement of color, music, language, and touch through physical activity. Exploration of the GymKids equipment promotes development of perceptual motor abilities. These include body image, balance, spatial awareness, hand-eye and foot-eye coordination, laterality, directionality, and form discrimination. Attributes of movement such as rhythms, loco-motor coordination, agility, strength, and flexibility are also developed.
In the GymKids program, children are free to choose and explore the equipment. Each class begins with exploration where children are encouraged to be creative and spontaneous within the boundaries of safety. Each class ends with a focus on group activities that are led by the instructor. These include directional games, movement activities, songs, finger plays, parachute, and bubble games and our special GymKids puppets.
Learn more about GymKids by watching this brief video.